Your search returned 10 results.

Black mischief Evelyn Waugh by Series: Penguin classics
Edition: Repr.
Material type: Text Text
Language: Englisch Publisher: London Penguin 2000
Availability: Items available for reference: St. Peter Salzburg Stiftsbibliothek: Nicht ausleihbar (1)Call number: SPS-6,5452.
Guide to Greece Pausanias. Transl. with an introd. by Peter Levi by Series: Penguin classics
Material type: Set Set
Language: Englisch Publisher: London Penguin books
Availability: No items available.
Emma Jane Austen. Ed. with an introd. and notes by Fiona Stafford by Series: Penguin classics
Material type: Text Text
Language: Englisch Publisher: London [u. a.] Penguin 1996
Availability: Items available for reference: St. Peter Salzburg Stiftsbibliothek: Nicht ausleihbar (1)Call number: SPS-6,5452.
The collected novels Brontë Sisters by Series: Penguin Classics
Material type: Text Text
Language: Englisch Publisher: London Penguin Books 2009
Availability: Items available for reference: St. Peter Salzburg Stiftsbibliothek: Nicht ausleihbar (1)Call number: SPS-6,5452.
Common sense Thomas Paine. Ed. with an introd. by Isaac Kramnick by Series: Penguin classics
Edition: Reprint.
Material type: Text Text
Language: Englisch Publisher: London Penguin Books [ca. 2008]
Availability: Items available for reference: St. Peter Salzburg Stiftsbibliothek: Nicht ausleihbar (1)Call number: SPS-4,30.
Rights of man by Thomas Paine. With an introduction by Eric Foner by Series: Penguin classics
Edition: Repr., 28. [pr.]
Material type: Text Text
Language: Englisch Publisher: New York, NY [u. a.] Penguin books [ca. 2005]
Availability: Items available for reference: St. Peter Salzburg Stiftsbibliothek: Nicht ausleihbar (1)Call number: SPS-4,30.
Revelations of divine love (short text and long text) Julian of Norwich. Transl. by Elizabeth Spearing ... by Series: Penguin classics
Edition: 17. [pr.]
Material type: Text Text
Language: Englisch London Penguin Books [ca. 2008]
Availability: Items available for reference: St. Peter Salzburg Stiftsbibliothek: Nicht ausleihbar (1)Call number: SPS-3,28044.
The metaphysical poets selected and ed. by Helen Gardner by Series: Penguin classics : Poetry
Edition: Repr.
Material type: Text Text
Language: Englisch Publisher: New York, NY [u. a.] Penguin Books 1985
Availability: Items available for reference: St. Peter Salzburg Stiftsbibliothek: Nicht ausleihbar (1)Call number: SPS-45137.
Utopia Thomas More. Transl. with an introd. by Paul Turner by Series: Penguin classics : Literature
Edition: Repr.
Material type: Text Text
Language: Englisch Publisher: Harmondsworth [u. a.] Penguin 1980
Availability: Items available for reference: St. Peter Salzburg Stiftsbibliothek: Nicht ausleihbar (1)Call number: SPS-.
Medieval writings on female spirituality edited with an introduction and notes by Elizabeth Spearing by Series: Penguin classics
Edition: 9. [pr.]
Material type: Text Text
Language: Englisch London Penguin [ca. 2005]
Availability: Items available for reference: St. Peter Salzburg Stiftsbibliothek: Nicht ausleihbar (1)Call number: SPS-3,2804.