Your search returned 3 results.

Guide to Greece Pausanias. Transl. with an introd. by Peter Levi by Series: Penguin classics
Material type: Set Set
Language: Englisch Publisher: London Penguin books
Availability: No items available.
Guide to Greece Pausanias. Transl. with an introd. by Peter Levi 1 Central Greece
Edition: Repr.
Material type: Text Text
Language: Englisch Publisher: London Penguin books 1985 In: Guide to Greece
Availability: Items available for reference: St. Peter Salzburg Stiftsbibliothek: Nicht ausleihbar (1)Call number: SPS-11,719914.
Guide to Greece Pausanias. Transl. with an introd. by Peter Levi 2 Southern Greece
Edition: Repr.
Material type: Text Text
Language: Englisch Publisher: London Penguin books 1985 In: Guide to Greece
Availability: Items available for reference: St. Peter Salzburg Stiftsbibliothek: Nicht ausleihbar (1)Call number: SPS-11,719914.